Luciana Valle
Tango Workshops in Portland, Oregon
Thursday, May 3 through Wednesday, May 9, 2007

A fabulous dancer, a great leader, and a superb teacher, Luciana uses fluent English to explain concisely and clearly how to improve your tango.
Luciana is well versed in both traditional and “tango nuevo” styles. She was in Gustavo Naveira’s and Fabian Salas’ “Tango Investigation” group from 1995-97, and has partnered many of the world’s elite tangueros, including Omar Vega, Puppy Castello, and Fabian Salas.
Students have used words such as funny, inventive, energetic, interactive, challenging, humorous, and direct to describe Luciana.
Portland’s own internationally known Alex Krebs says, “She’s organized; she explains and demonstrates concepts clearly, and the stuff she teaches is all immediately usable on the social floor. She’s an awesome teacher.”

Thursday, May 3, at the Northstar Ballroom at 635 N. Killingsworth Ct.
  • Beginning drop-in class from 8:00-9:00 PM. $8 for class + milonga, $5 for milonga only. Luciana and Alex will dance a demo at ~ 11:00.

LIMIT ON WORKSHOP SIZE (# 1 - 6) on FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY = 15 LEADERS, 15 FOLLOWERS. PRE-PAYMENT RESERVES YOUR PLACE. (Mail check payable to Megan Pingree to 2804 SW Hillsboro St, Portland, OR 97239)

The notes (below) stating the number of openings remaining was last updated Saturday May 5 at 1:12AM.

Friday, May 4, at Tango Berretin at 6305 SE Foster Rd., Portland.
  • Fundamentals of Tango #1. Leading & following, walking, developing natural organic body movements. (Strongly recommended for all levels, especially for those planning to take more workshops). Registration 7:45, Workshop 8:00 - 9:30. $25. FULL. I COULD PUT YOU ON THE WAIT LIST, in case someone cancels or no-shows.

Saturday, May 5, at Tango Berretin, 6305 SE Foster Rd.
  • Ochos & Pivots. #2. (Beginner/Intermediate) Registration 11:45, Workshop 12:00-1:30. $25. ROOM FOR 1 LEAD, 1 FOLLOW.
  • Basic Turns. #3. Technique for turns and how to use them to navigate.(Beginner/Intermediate) 1:45-3:15. $25. ROOM FOR 3 FOLLOWS.
  • Turns with Sacadas. #4. One of the most useful tango turns and how to use it to move around the dance floor (Intermediate) 3:30-5:00. $25. FULL.

Sunday, May 6, at Viscount Dance Studios, 724 - 726 E. Burnside, Portland
  • Shared Axis Turns. #5. Luciana loves to teach this! (Intermediate/Advanced) 11:15 - 12:45. Studio A. $25. ROOM FOR 1 LEAD.
  • Learning to Walk Again. Walking technique, balance & footwork of the most important step in tango: the walk (All Levels) 1:00-2:00, Studio A, $7 includes class & practica (till 5:30)
  • How to Play with the Free Leg. #6. Dynamics & qualities of the free leg, including linear boleos & other beauties. (Advanced) Studio B. 5:00-6:30. $25. ROOM FOR 5 LEADS, 1 FOLLOW
Pricing Package: More is Less! $45/2 workshops;$65/3 workshops; $85/4 workshops; $105/5 workshops; $120/6 workshops. Free M&Ms.
Checks (payable to Megan Pingree) can be sent to 2804 SW Hillsboro St., Portland, OR 97239. Please note: the Thursday evening and Sunday 1:00 classes are NOT workshops and are not eliglible for pre-payment or pre-registration.

For info, pre-registration, and privates, contact Megan Pingree at (503) 222-4691 or
I think Mini-Specials are one of the very best ways to get lots of bang for your buck with a visiting tango hotshot.

The idea is to put together your own group of 3 (or 4) leaders and 3 (or 4) followers -- folks at about your own tango level, with whom you like to learn.

Choose any topic you'd all like to work on (the cross? connection? colgadas? musicality?) and get Luciana's help with it for 2 hours. It costs $35/person.

You'll get lots of hands on, individualized attention.
And you'll have a group of mates with whom to review and practice when she's long-gone.

Check the "Calendar" posting for currently available openings for Mini's.

To arrange mini-specials and/or private lessons with Luciana, contact Megan at 503 222-4691 or
(This will be updated frequently, as the slots are taken. Last update: Monday 5/7 at 4:55 pm)

At this pont (Monday 4:55 pm) there are more folks looking for slots than there are slots. So if you aren't already on my list, I am sorry. It's too late for this visit. Try earlier next time she's here -- probably in 2009.

PRIVATE LESSONS with LUCIANA -- Luciana will be available for private/semi-private lessons at $100 cash or check/hour.
+ $8/hr floor fee -- at Tango Berretin, 6305 SE Foster Rd.
Please bring a partner if possible, even if you are not sharing the hour.

Megan's TANGO CLASSES at Viscount Dance Studios - APRIL - MAY 2007

MONDAYS April 30, May 7, 14, 21

Viscount Dance Studios, 724 E. Burnside St, Studio B

6:30 – 7:30 Level 1B – Beginners (with MEGAN )
Fundamental lead and follow technique, check steps (Including a side check) with "returns", a couple of variations on a check right turn, and finally, the classic Ocho Cortado -- all in the parallel system.
Levels 1A, 1B and 1C (in any order) are all pre-requisites for Level 2 at 7:30.

7:30 – 8:30 Level 2 – Advanced Beginner/ Intermediate (with BILL & MEGAN )
Building on Classic Material. Well polish and refine the ocho cortado in many variations, and then use it as a springboard for play with the follower's free leg, various timings, sacadas, barridas and paradas.
Pre-requisite: minimum of Level 1A, 1B and 1C (in any order), or teacher pre-approval. 503 222-4691.

8:30 – 9:30 Level 3 -- Intermediate and Beyond (with BILL & MEGAN )
Musicality and Movement. It's the lead:follow connection, the couple's connection with the music, and their quality of movement that makes tango memorable . Each week this month we'll build a specific short sequence of steps, making the mechanics clear and comfortable, and then adapt the movements to contrasting orchestras.
Pre-requisite: at least 6 months of classes, practices, and social dancing.

$40 pre-registered series/$45 series at door/$12 drop-in.

To pre-register: Contact, or (503) 226-dance .