MONDAYS April 30, May 7, 14, 21
Viscount Dance Studios, 724 E. Burnside St, Studio B
6:30 – 7:30 Level 1B – Beginners (with MEGAN )
Fundamental lead and follow technique, check steps (Including a side check) with "returns", a couple of variations on a check right turn, and finally, the classic Ocho Cortado -- all in the parallel system.
Levels 1A, 1B and 1C (in any order) are all pre-requisites for Level 2 at 7:30.
7:30 – 8:30 Level 2 – Advanced Beginner/ Intermediate (with BILL & MEGAN )
Building on Classic Material. Well polish and refine the ocho cortado in many variations, and then use it as a springboard for play with the follower's free leg, various timings, sacadas, barridas and paradas.
Pre-requisite: minimum of Level 1A, 1B and 1C (in any order), or teacher pre-approval. 503 222-4691.
8:30 – 9:30 Level 3 -- Intermediate and Beyond (with BILL & MEGAN )
Musicality and Movement. It's the lead:follow connection, the couple's connection with the music, and their quality of movement that makes tango memorable . Each week this month we'll build a specific short sequence of steps, making the mechanics clear and comfortable, and then adapt the movements to contrasting orchestras.
Pre-requisite: at least 6 months of classes, practices, and social dancing.
$40 pre-registered series/$45 series at door/$12 drop-in.
To pre-register: Contact, or (503) 226-dance .