February Tango with Megan


Mondays – Feb 4, 11, 18, + 25th
at Viscount Dance Studio B, 726 E. Burnside, Portland

6:30 – 7:30 Level 1A – Beginners (with MEGAN)

February will focus on fundamental lead and follow technique, rocking checks, a check turn, + the beautiful “signature step” of tango, La Cruzada – all in the parallel system.
(No pre-requisite. Levels 1A & 1B are both pre-requisites for Level 2 at 7:30, though they do not have to be taken in that order.)

7:30 – 8:30 Level 2A – Beyond Beginners (with CHRIS & MEGAN )

This month we'll introduce the Crossed Foot System of dancing -- a whole new universe in which no one is ever "on the wrong foot". We will cover a couple ways of changing systems, and some "steps" that easily flow from the changes. (eg., back ochos, walking on 3 tracks, La Cruzada). It opens up new ways to be musical, expressive and creative, and expands the flexibility of connection with your partner. And we will add the tango vals rhythms.
Pre-requisite: minimum of Level 1A and 1B (in any order), or teacher pre-approval. (meganpingree@comcast.net).

8:30 – 9:30 Level 3 -- Intermediate (with CHRIS & MEGAN)

TANGO PLAY. This Leap Year month, we will look at some especially fun, interactive possibilities between partners. We’ll be doing paradas (stops), morditas (little bites), barridas (sweeps), pasadas (step-overs), leg wraps, etc – 1st the most straight-forward versions, and then teaching both leaders & followers how to recognize & use these choice moments for followers to initiate + participate more pro-actively.

Pre-requisite: Levels 1A, 1B, 2A + 2B; or at least 6 months of classes, practices, & social dancing;

or pre-approval (meganpingree@comcast.net).

$40 pre-registered series/$45 series at door/$12 drop-in.

To pre-register, contact info@viscountstudios.com, or (503) 226-DANCe.